Short screenplay for the October 2018 Halloween contest.

The Draw FADE IN: EXT. ENDLESS DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY A pickup truck zooms along the highway. CLARENCE (V.O.) Are we there yet? INT. EDDIE'S PICKUP TRUCK (MOVING) - DAY EDDIE at the wheel, CLARENCE riding shotgun, both early 20s, brothers. EDDIE I swear to God I will beat you with a tire iron if you ask me that again. CLARENCE You never give me an answer! EDDIE Use your goddamn eyes and look! Do you see anything? No you don't, you goddamn cretin. CLARENCE Have you ever wondered about the origin of the word "cretin"? EDDIE No I have fvcking not. CLARENCE Well that's weird 'cause you use it a lot. Eddie sucks in deep breaths, trying not to blow a gasket. CLARENCE Hey! Clarence points ahead, there's weary sign at the side of the road, DESPAIR POP. 44. They zoom past it. CLARENCE Maybe they've got a McDonalds. EDDIE Is there a single fvcking moment in the day when you're not hungry? A turn-off comes up. Eddie sighs. He slows and takes the turn-off. Clarence beams. EXT. THE TOWNSHIP OF DESPAIR - DAY A motley collection of run-down old buildings centered around a "main street". A saloon faces the hotel. INT. EDDIE'S PICKUP TRUCK (STOPPED) - DAY EDDIE Looks like we went through a time warp. CLARENCE I don't see a McDonalds. EDDIE Let's try the saloon, maybe they serve food. EXT. DESPAIR MAIN STREET - DAY Eddie and Clarence climb out of the truck. Eddie locks it with his remote, BEEP BOOP. They head for the saloon. INT. SALOON - DAY Dark and dusty, there's no one here, just empty tables. Looking outside, we see Eddie and Clarence approach. TRANSITION INTO SALOON Eddie and Clarence enter and as if by magic, the saloon has transformed, PIANO MUSIC plays, CUSTOMERS stand at the bar and sit at tables, making hubbub conversations we'll never hear. Eddie and Clarence make their way to the bar counter, where MOLLY, mature but charming, greets them with a big smile. MOLLY Gentlemen, what can I get you? EDDIE My bro and me sure would appreciate a couple of cool beers, ma'am. MOLLY I'm Molly, that's what you'll call me. Two beers, coming right up. Molly wipes glasses and pulls two beers. EDDIE Happy to meet you, Molly. I'm Eddie and this is Clarence. Sure is a nice place you have here. Eddie notices a drunk on a stool in a corner, nodding off as he hugs an empty whiskey bottle, this is BUD. Molly sets two golden, frothy beers on the counter. Clarence lifts his glass and sniffs, then throws it back in one. He wipes his lips and nods appreciatively. CLARENCE Yep that'll do. Gonna need another of those. Molly smiles, takes his glass, fills it up again. EDDIE Molly, would your fine establishment also offer food? MOLLY Always got a pot of hot stew on the stove. Eddie and Clarence glance at each other. Why not? EDDIE Hot stew sounds great. MOLLY Take a seat, I'll bring it right over. Eddie and Clarence find an empty table and sit. The other customers stare curiously at these strangers. CLARENCE You ever wondered what a goldfish feels like? EDDIE Maybe they don't get many visitors. The piano music changes as KITTY steps up onto a tiny stage, a pretty girl wearing a nice dress, she smiles shyly. CLARENCE Are they doing American Idol auditions? I don't see any cameras. Kitty sings a song of her dear Mama and the lone prairie. CLARENCE Shoot me through the head. EDDIE Shut uuuuup. Molly sets two plates of stew down on their table, plus spoons and a plate of crusty bread. EDDIE Thank you, Molly. Eddie and Clarence eat, Eddie's gaze remains on Kitty. When Kitty finishes her song she gives a little bow. The customers applaud and Eddie does too, with enthusiasm. The bar doors swing open and THE MAJOR steps inside, a tall, sinister-looking Western B-movie black hat villain. The piano music stops. Every eye in the house is on The Major. His cold gaze sweeps the saloon. MOLLY I don't want any trouble. THE MAJOR You hush your mouth now, Molly. Eddie sees The Major is wearing two gunbelts, each with an old fashioned Colt six-gun in its leather holster. THE MAJOR Any of you boys want to play a real man's game? No one says a word. The Major sneers with contempt. THE MAJOR That's what I thought. Bunch of yellow cowards, every one of ya. CLARENCE Who the fvck is this guy? EDDIE For once in your life, shut up. Bud, the drunk in the corner, suddenly wakes up and realizes his bottle is empty. He staggers to the bar counter. The Major's hawk gaze fixes on him. BUD Molly, can I-- Bud sees Molly's fearful look. He spins round as-- The Major, moving faster than any man should be able to move, unfastens one of his gunbelts and buckles it around Bud's waist. Bud tugs at the buckle but it just won't open. He looks up at The Major, scared witless. THE MAJOR You ain't much, but you'll do. Bud looks to Molly but she shakes her head, she can't help. THE MAJOR I'll see you outside. Don't make me come back in and fetch you. The Major turns and walks to the doors, spurs jingling. CLARENCE Hey, a$$hole, why don't you leave the little guy alone? The Major freezes. And then his head slowly turns around. He stares at Clarence and Eddie. Clarence stands up, ignoring Eddie's urgent warning gestures. CLARENCE Yeah, I called you an a$$hole. THE MAJOR Interesting. CLARENCE You're really not. The Major blurs as he strips the gunbelt off Bud, then moves to Clarence and buckles it around his waist instead. Clarence blinks and realizes what's happened, he tugs at the gunbelt but it won't budge, what the hell? THE MAJOR I'll see you outside. Don't make me come back in and fetch you. The Major exits. The doors swing behind him. Eddie gets up and tries to unbuckle the gunbelt. No joy. Molly and Kitty join them. CLARENCE Who the hell is that guy? MOLLY The Major came back from the war all twisted inside. EDDIE We could sneak out the back, try to get to the truck. MOLLY That won't work, he'll find you. EDDIE Where's the sheriff? MOLLY In Boot Hill. The Major shot him. Eddie and Clarence exchange looks, holy crap! THE MAJOR (O.S.) I'll give you one more minute! Clarence heads for the door but Eddie stops him. EDDIE Whoa, this is suicide. KITTY He'll kill you if you go out there. EDDIE Listen to her, she's talking sense. CLARENCE Not got much choice. If I don't, he might hurt someone else. EDDIE You remember we played cowboys and indians when we were kids? We'd practice quick draws. CLARENCE Yeah but you always won. I kept dropping my gun. You called me Fumbles McStupid. EDDIE To encourage you to do better. Try it now. Go on. Clarence draws the six-gun with incredible ineptness. EDDIE At least you didn't drop it. CLARENCE He's gonna kill me, isn't he? Eddie looks at Molly and Kitty. They both nod, yes. EDDIE He's done this before, hasn't he? MOLLY More often than you'll ever know. Eddie racks his brains, trying to think. EXT. DESPAIR MAIN STREET - DAY The Major stands waiting. Eddie's truck sits close by. Eddie and Clarence exit the saloon. Molly and Kitty follow them outside but remain on the boardwalk, watching. EDDIE Okay, we're doing this. But there's gotta be rules. THE MAJOR Rules, in a shoot-out? EDDIE You have an unfair advantage. My brother here, he hardly knows one end of a gun from the other. I'm guessing you do. THE MAJOR Not my problem. EDDIE Is this how an officer behaves, Major? What happened to honor? The Major gives this some thought. THE MAJOR Let's hear your rules. EDDIE Well, you can't just shoot any time you feel like it. There's gotta be a signal so you draw at the same time. Like gentlemen. THE MAJOR I suppose you'll give the signal? EDDIE Uh-uh, not me. For all you know we could have arranged something funny between us. I propose a neutral party gives the signal. (to Kitty) Miss, do you have a handkerchief? Kitty produces a silk handkerchief and waves it. EDDIE When the lady drops her hankie, that's when you both draw. THE MAJOR I like it. Let's do it. CLARENCE Do I got a say in this? EDDIE Not really. Just take your time and shoot. Oh, and don't miss. Eddie nods to Kitty, who raises her hankie. Everyone looks from The Major to Clarence to The Major. High tension. The Major grins, he knows how this will end. Kitty lets go! Eddie's truck goes BEEP BOOP, The Major spins round, gun in hand, shocked by the noise. BLAM. The Major looks down at the bloody hole in his chest. He slowly pitches back like a falling tree, dead. Clarence stares at his smoking gun. He did that? Eddie and Molly and Kitty whoop, they all hug Clarence and jump up and down with excitement. Piano music starts up. MOLLY You did it, I don't know how, but you did it. Eddie shows Clarence his remote. Clarence gets it. Kitty plants a smacker on Eddie's lips. KITTY Thank you. Thank you. Kitty and Molly back away, then turn and enter the saloon together. The doors swing shut behind them. The piano music stops, the saloon goes dark again. Eddie has a moment of realization, they're gone. He and Clarence stand alone in the street. The Major is gone too. Clarence no longer has the gun or wears the gunbelt. EDDIE Time we were leaving. CLARENCE What about the stew? Eddie climbs into his truck, Clarence rides shotgun. The truck swings around and leaves Despair in a cloud of dust. CLARENCE (V.O.) You never give me an answer! FADE OUT Oct 2018

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