Short screenplay for the July 2018 "Summer Camp" contest.

Sweet Summer Rosie FADE IN: EXT. OVERGROWN COUNTRY LANE - DAY A beat-up sedan rolls to a stop. INT. SEDAN - DAY DAD and MOM are middle-aged and angry. In the back seat, ROSIE is a pale teen girl and HAM is God's mistake, a chubby curly-haired ginger. The kids wear scout type uniforms that don't fit them. DAD You know what you have to do? ROSIE Yeah. Are you sure this is such a good idea, though? Mom glances at Dad, he slowly turns round and glares. DAD They took away our livelihood. You better remember that. Those sons of b!tches... He points down the road with a stabby finger-- EXT. CAMP WOODLAND ADVENTURE - DAY If you're into spending summer in a camp by a lake, this is where you'd dream about, it's like a Disney fantasy. Kids disembark from buses and enter the camp, taking in the wonders of Camp Woodland Adventure. INT. SEDAN - DAY DAD (CONT'D) ...came in here and built their shiny whorehouse and took OUR customers away from us. ROSIE Being honest I can see why, it looks fabulous. Dad reddens and shakes like a volcano about to blow. HAM Yeah, our camp looks like a sh!thole compared with-- DAD SHUT UP, HAM. MOM You better listen to your dad. Dad realizes Rosie is smoking. DAD Put that cigarette out! When the hell did you start smoking?! ROSIE Dad, I'm nineteen. I've been smoking since Kindergarden. Dad shakes his head, breathes deeply to calm himself. DAD Our regulars abandoned us after they laid eyes on that Sodom and Gomorrah yonder. We just ain't good enough for them any more. ROSIE You sure it wasn't anything to do with the boys who went missing? DAD We found them, didn't we? Dumb sons of bitches wandered off and got themselves lost in the woods, that's not our fault. MOM And God did look down upon that city and curse its inhabitants for their sins of beastial fornication. DAD Yes He did, but maybe we can stay focused, honey. HAM They went looking for food, they were starving, everyone was, you never fed them enough. DAD SHUT UP, HAM! OUR PORTIONS WERE ADEQUATE. MOM Those soddomites fvcked each other in the a$$es and they paid the price, amen. DAD Okay honey, that's plenty. (to Rosie and Ham) Soon as you get the chance, you dump the laxative in the water supply. HAM Yeah! We got it. ROSIE It still seems kinda-- DAD If we can't beat the ba$tards fair and square, we'll sh!t 'em out. MOM Then you get yourselves out of there and make your way to the rendezvous. We'll be waiting. DAD Let's see how they like having their names plastered over the God- damned news! (calms down) It's time, off you go. Rosie and Ham open their doors and get out, humping shoulder bags and suitcases. MOM Do us proud, kids! EXT. OVERGROWN COUNTRY LANE - DAY Rosie and Ham set off down the road. Behind them the sedan reverses, turns around and drives away, belching a cloud of black fumes. EXT. CAMP WOODLAND ADVENTURE ENTRANCE - DAY Just as the very last kids leave their bus and enter the camp, Rosie and Ham hurry to catch up with them. INT. CHECK-IN TABLE - DAY Manned by MILTON and VERONICA TRUE, who welcome new arrivals with a smile and tick off names on clipboards. Their handsome teen kids DALE and LINDA look squeaky clean in their uniforms, they direct the kids to their huts. As the incoming kids thin, Veronica checks her clipboard. VERONICA We're short two. MILTON Look, here they come now. Rosie and Ham arrive at the check-in table. VERONICA Do you charmers have names? ROSIE Yes we do, I'm Maddie and this is my brother David. Milton checks his list, and-- MILTON You would be the Dickwoods. ROSIE Unfortunately yes. INT. SEDAN (MOVING) - DAY Dad drives, Mom looks back over her shoulder, hearing THUMPING noises from the trunk. MOM You brats better shut up, if you don't want dumped in the lake! The thumping stops. Dad nods, pleased. EXT. CHECK-IN TABLE - DAY Rosie catches Dale's eye, he looks her up and down. Veronica notices this hormonal interplay. VERONICA Linda, please show Miss Dickwood to the girls' hut. Linda smiles and beckons to Rosie. As Rosie moves past, Veronica hands her a sheet of paper. VERONICA These are the camp rules. Pay special attention to the map. You'll notice the boys' hut is on this side of the fence, and the girls' hut is on the other side. You want to guess what happens to anyone who crosses the fence? ROSIE What fence? Veronica leans in close, threatening. VERONICA Me. I'm the fence. The electric fence. Bzzzzzt. ROSIE Ma'am, I'm not sure what that means. VERONICA Make sure you don't. Linda leads puzzled Rosie away. EXT. CAMP WOODLAND ADVENTURE - GIRLS HUT - DAY LINDA Don't mind my mom, she's real nice once you get to know her. So what did you do? Rosie's puzzled again, Linda smiles. LINDA To get sent here. You didn't volunteer, that's for sure. ROSIE So what do you guys do for fun? LINDA Besides long walks in the woods and paddling canoes in the lake? ROSIE Jesus no, I meant at night. LINDA We play guitar and sing around the camp fire and swallow bugs mostly. ROSIE The kind of fun I meant doesn't involve swallowing "bugs," if you know what I mean. Rosie looks significantly at Dale, who is taking Ham to the boy's hut on the other side of the communal dining hut in the middle. Dale looks back at her. Linda opens the girls' hut door for Rosie. LINDA My, you are a feisty one. My mom catches you anywhere near my brother, it's a phone call to your parents and you're in a taxi home first thing in the morning. Watch your ass, feisty girl. INT. GIRLS' HUT - DAY Eager beaver GIRLS put their clothes away in lockers. They stop to look at Rosie, in the doorway. Rosie drags her suitcase to the end of the hut, to the last bed. She dumps her bags and lies down. ENTHUSIASTIC GIRL We're going swimming in the lake! ROSIE Damn, I forgot my costume. INT. BOYS' HUT - DAY BOYS unpack and whatnot, Dale shows Ham to the last bed. DALE Need any help unpacking? HAM I'm good! DALE Okay. Once you're settled, follow the others down to the lake shore. HAM Will do. My sister's a slut. DALE Good to know. Dale exits. Ham looks around, sizing the place up. Through a window he sees the dining hut. PREJUDICED BOY (O.S.) Ginger! Ham's eyes narrow, his pudgy hands curl into fists. But then he slowly smiles, as if he knows something they don't. INT. GIRLS' HUT - DAY Rosie, lying on the bed, reaches down and unzips her bag, takes out a bottle. INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH LAXATIVE. She studies it for a moment, then drops it back into her bag. EXT. CAMP WOODLAND ADVENTURE - DAY Dale directs the boys to the lake shore. They don't need a lot of directing, they jump right in. He sees Linda directing the girls to further along the lake shore. He looks thoughtfully at the girls' hut. EXT. DINING HUT - DAY Ham moves like a fat ginger ninja, pressing himself against the hut. In his hand, a laxative bottle. He rises up on his tip-toes, peers through a window. ROSIE (O.S.) Ham, stop. Ham spins round, caught by surprise. HAM Wha'd'ya mean, stop? We gotta do this. For Mom and Dad. ROSIE Dad's all eaten up inside with bitterness and Mom's as crazy as he is. This is just wrong. It won't help us get Camp Heehawhooha up and running again. The place is a condemned wreck. Ham is conflicted, obey Dad or listen to his sister. HAM Dad's gonna be mad if we don't. ROSIE I'll handle Dad. We should grab our things and go. Ham ponders, then nods and heads back to the boys' hut. Rosie turns to leave but Dale is standing there. He heard. Rosie looks away, ashamed and unable to meet his gaze. DALE What's in the bottle? ROSIE Something nasty that would make everyone poop for days. DALE Why? Why would you do that? ROSIE Camp Heehawhooha. DALE Camp what? ROSIE You put my family out of business. With your shiny... camp. And you don't even know. DALE If that's true... I'm sorry. ROSIE Don't worry about it. We're outta here. You won't see us again. Rosie turns and walks away. Dale watches her go. EXT. CAMP WOODLAND ADVENTURE ENTRANCE - DAY Rosie and Ham exit the camp. Rosie finds Dale leaning against a post, waiting. Ham walks on, so they're alone. DALE Why'd you change your mind? ROSIE I don't know. DALE I think you do. ROSIE What, you mean like my conscience bothered me? Pfft. Why are you here? DALE Sometimes, when you meet someone at camp, someone you like, you exchange phone numbers. ROSIE Eww, that's so rom-com. Rosie stands up on her tip-toes and kisses him. ROSIE (CONT'D) Not happening, sorry. Goodbye. She steps away and sets off after Ham. Dale smiles, shakes his head and walks back into the camp. EXT. OVERGROWN COUNTRY LANE - DAY Rosie throws both laxative bottles into bushes. ROSIE We tell Dad we did it. Not our fault if it doesn't work, right? HAM Okay. Do we keep the uniforms? ROSIE Maybe next time. FADE OUT Jul 2018

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