Info for visitors:

CompuServe's SFLIT Forum provides an online community for readers and writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy. (See links at the bottom of this page.)

"Writing SF/Fantasy" (formerly Section 19 of the "old" forum) is intended for general chit-chat about SF and Fantasy writing, and is open to public viewing. You're more than welcome to join in, simply reply to any message that interests you, or post a new message addressed to ALL containing whatever topic you wish to introduce.

"IMPs (Private)" (formerly Section 18) a.k.a. the IMPire offers the opportunity for SF and Fantasy writers IMPatient for success to upload their stories and receive feedback in the form of critiques from fellow writers. Your first upload is a freebie -- thereafter, for each story or novel excerpt you upload, you're asked to critique 3 IMP stories in return, which is a fair and reasonable exchange since you learn as much (if not more) from writing critiques as you do from receiving them.

Becoming an IMP also offers you the opportunity to participate in regular writing exercises (IMPexes, where the fickle finger of fate picks random IMPs to write short stories based on random topics); a monthly best short story openings contest, intended to improve your story openings so they grab the editor by the throat and don't let go; and E&R (Edit & Revision) exercises, where 3 IMP volunteers must write, then second- and third-pass a short story, all without knowing who each other are.

If you're a writer of SF/F and you haven't signed up to become an IMP yet -- why not? You can apply to join in the fun by posting a message in Writing SF/Fantasy with the subject, "I want to be an IMP" or similar, which will trigger the IMPinitation process. Warning: you may make new friends here.

CompuServe's SFLIT Forum